Wednesday, December 24, 2014

We're All Little Snowflakes

Seeing as how I'm on my fourth--FOURTH--night of no sleep, random analogies pop into my head as I lie in bed editing pictures and tossing and turning. As I was editing a picture of a snowflake ornament on our Christmas tree, something came into my mind:: stand back this just may be EXTREMELY profound here (probably not). 

We are all unique, like this snowflake--alright, it's a glass, mass produced product, but go with me here on this--because no one snowflake is the same. Each snowflake that falls from the sky is different, like fingerprints, like the DNA that runs through our body. We all are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. 

It's hard for me, as a person with a rather unpleasant chronic illness that just seems to have never ending twists and turns, to think, "Welp, God REALLY screwed up when He made me!" Or, "Gee whiz, God REALLY dropped the ball when He got around to me!" But God doesn't make mistakes because His thoughts and our thoughts are vastly different. (Isaiah 55:8-9) He knew what He was doing when, in February/March of 2010, I started to become ill and my life changed forever. I didn't understand it, I still don't understand it, but I don't have to because I know God has a plan and a purpose for it. 

Naturally I have the human instinct of wanting control, wanting to know WHY, wanting the pain and the yuckies to end, wanting the feeling that I am nothing more than a burden to those around me to end, but God has not chosen that yet for me. And, you know what? I'm fine with that. He had led me to write. To use the gift He has given me to tell my story, to tell other peoples' stories, and to reach out to others during their journey and help them along the way. 

We are all snowflakes. We are unique in our beauties and we are unique in our flaws. I have chosen to accept my flaws and turn them into a journey of a lifetime. How about you? 

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