Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I Don't Discuss It, But It's There ::Wince Cringe::

It's a very common misconception that there isn't any pain with Gastroparesis, it's a lie, there is. I've never been in a fight a day in my life, but I'd imagine that it's much like being punched repeatedly in the stomach and then having massive heartburn afterward...something along those lines. There's an almost constant pain in my stomach--too bad it's not from sit ups and I could say I had a massive six pack--and now I also have the pleasure of having acid reflux on top of it. I'm not 80 years old, I shouldn't be having these problems, but such is life. 

Since having Alfred, my Gastric Neurostimulator, implanted a new pain has been introduced into my life. There is an almost constant ache that nags me, sometimes MORE than nags me. Advil, Tylenol, and their cohorts do nothing for it. If I take the heavy duty stuff, I cannot work, but it also slows down stomach motility, something that is already a MAJOR problem for me, so why even bother. Gastroparesis is a gigantic puzzle and a bunch of decisions that have to be made and it often results in you saying "why even bother?!" 

I don't even mention my pain and do the best that I can to not show my pain because I don't want to worry those around me. Not seeing me eat or lacking energy is worrying enough for them, so why add one more thing? Alfred is doing his job, I'm having more good days and less bad days. I just want pain to stop, food to start, and exercise to happen like a normal person. But, then again, I'm not a normal person. 

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