Tuesday, October 7, 2014

When the Bed Bug Doesn't Bite

I was raised not to hate, but I HATE insomnia with a passion! It's an inanimate not-even-an-object, so I'm allowed to hate it, right? I think so. It really stinks being awake at all hours of the night—in this case it's 11:40pm, early for some—not knowing whether or not you'll be able to fall asleep. The illusive sleep could be for various reasons:
  1. a mind that won't shut off
  2. medication (new, old, or wrong)
  3. pain (otherwise known as painsomnia)
  4. too much sleep during the day
  5. too much activity during the day
  6. [enter your own reason here]

There are SO many methods one can try to help themselves slip away into Sleepytime Never Neverland
  1. Prayer (I'm a big supporter of this)
  2. Music (I also support this one)
  3. White noise (I use this as well...floor fan AND ambient sound maker)
  4. Count sheep (I prefer to imagine sheep jumping over a fence) 
  5. Think happy thoughts
  6. [Enter your own method here]

What do you do if you just CANNOT get yourself to sleep? Obviously I am finding myself in that conundrum right now as I am typing this little ditty in—what is for me—the middle of the night. You make the best out of the situation! If nothing else, through my life with Gastroparesis, I have found that you just have to make the best out of everything or else you'll go bonkers and—if you knew me AT ALL—I'm bonkers anyway! So, after having knocked back some Gaviscon for my heartburn and a little something for the nausea, here are some suggestions on how to entertain yourself QUIETLY in the middle of the night::

  1. Read your Bible
  2. Reread your favorite book series
  3. Start reading a new book (I started reading Unbroken)
  4. Start a blog (I know it's a little bit obvious, but I had to say it)
  5. Write in a diary/journal/smash book
  6. Color in a coloring book
  7. Listen to music on your iPod (discman's are passe, right?)
  8. Write a snailmail letter to a friend (you might surprise someone!)
  9. Entertain yourself on Pinterest
  10. Entertain yourself on Instagram
  11. Create an Awareness Page on Facebook (I'm semi-considering doing this myself)
  12. Make a To-Do List
  13. Go through the photos on your phone and delete old ones that you don't like
  14. Check your emails and reply to them
  15. Watch videos on YouTube (through earphones, of course)

Naturally, there is SO much more that you can do, those are just 15 examples to get you started! Insomnia really is the pits, but sometimes it causes the creative juices to flow so you just have to take the good with the bad and make it shine!

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