Wednesday, October 15, 2014


It's no secret that I'm no Jane Fonda or, to bring it into more current terms, The Rock, John Cena, Vin get the picture...but I do the best that I can to exercise every day—or frequently, whichever happens first. Naturally, I don't do spinning classes, WOD (not that I even KNOW what that is!), CrossFit, or anything exceedingly vigorous; however, I do jump on my elliptical machine anywhere from 15-20 minutes when I feel like I can. Most of the time, though, I do stuff off of Pinterest. I've turned my iPhone into a veritable smorgasbord of exercises! Mostly they consist of stability ball routines, light weight training, yoga, and Pilates.

Unlike a traditional exerciser, I don't plow right through a routine for 45 minutes or an hour or MORE, I pick my way, taking breaks when I need to—as opposed to passing out—for a stitched together routine that adds up to...sometimes 30 minutes...sometimes 20 minutes...and, some days, only 15 minutes. I try and make sure that I do at least one exercise per region of the body if I am just having A DAY. If I am feeling wild and crazy, then I do a lot more per region. In general, squat variations, sit-up variations, and various arm curls are the norm—and then I wonder why I cannot walk or lift anything the next day!

I love trying new things and I love using my stability ball—mostly because it makes me feel like I'm a professional body builder or something—but I discovered recently that lying on my belly across the ball with my hands on the floor in front of me to raise my legs up behind me (I believe it's called a Reverse Hip Raise and it works your tooshie) isn't Alfred friendly. I seriously thought I had ripped open some stitches! So, with some adjustments, I was able to do the exercise—it's one of my favorites.

No matter what your circumstance, try and get up and move, even if it's just a little bit. I started out with Pilates—it's pretty gentle, so I suggest that. Do what YOU can and don't try and keep up with anyone else because the most important thing is that you're up and moving!

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