Monday, May 25, 2015

A Tale of Two Rough Nights

Having one rough night is bad enough. Two in a row...! That's inexcusable! Last night I was wracked with a migraine and stomachache SO bad that I was brought to tears. Home alone, I was forced to call for reinforcements at 11pm. Luckily, my friend Michelle came and sat with me and helped me avoid another trip to the emergency room. 

She grabbed an ice pack and snuggled me into bed and put the pack behind my neck and that calmed the worst of it. I was finally able to doze off for the first time all weekend. She kept vigil by my bed most of the night, which was comforting, and made sure that I was alright. 

Tonight, I lie awake with a HORRID stomachache and throwing up everything...even water. I've taken a melt away zofran, used an ice pack (having that on my tummy did NOT feel good), had my back rubbed, and taken phenergan, all to, so far, no avail. 

Come morning, urgent care will have me reenacting the old Mervyns commercial "Open! Open! Open!" Hopefully they'll be able to provide me with some relief. I can only imagine how dehydrated I am. 

It's aweful being awake in such excruciating pain knowing that there's no real place for you to turn. I feel helpless, my parents feel at a loss, the ER tells me they're not the place to turn to, I feel like urgent care will most likely tell me the same thing--what, then, am I supposed to do?! Live with it? Suck it up like a champ? This isn't a bruise, splinter, twisted ankle, or run-of-the-mill stomach issue...this is serious here, people!!

Do doctors take a course in chronic illness? I mean, in how to deal with them at the bedside manner end of it? If they don't, I think they should. Many of them lack, SEVERELY, the proper bedside manner needed to deal with someone living with chronic illnesses. Pleas don't belittle us. That's the last things we need since, often times, coming in to the ER or urgent care was one of the hardest decisions we had to make that day anyhow. 


  1. So on point; a very good but emotionally hard piece to read.

  2. Thank you SO much for your kind words!

  3. I really relate to this article. I also live alone and suffer from a terrible syndrome that causes migraines. They can have a huge impact on your life. Few people understand just how debilitating and scary they can be, especially if you live alone and don't have anyone to help you through. I hope you find the right cure for you!

    Waylon Buser @ U.S. HealthWorks Oakland
