Monday, January 26, 2015

A Sunny Disposition Goes A Long Way

In general, I am a happy person. I am not one of those people that you see who has a smile on their face for no reason--and then you wonder if you should call The Funny Farm for me--but my disposition is generally congenial. I am friendly, and even when I should be crying or grumpy, I'm not. I have decided to apply this to my Life with Gastroparesis as well.

Feeling like you've always got to throw up tends to make one want to lash out,
possibly want to strike the nearest unruly person within two feet--I plead the fifth as to whether this has happened or not--so you have to chose whether you're going to give in to that inner Hulk or remain the more mild Bruce Banner. I have chosen
to be a more peppy and present Bruce Banner--he's a little squirrelly, if we're honest with ourselves.

And here's why::

My ability to uplift my own attitude, no matter how horrid I'm feeling, uplifts
those around me. It doesn't mean I have to LIE to them and say that I feel well, but I don't have to act like a retch as well as feeling like one. Does that make sense? I can smile through the pain with people, I don't have to be mean, I don't have to be downtrodden, I don't have to be a spoil sport, I CAN be pleasant during my times of struggle. It IS possible. I think that is something that is forgotten, not only on the sick, but on the able, as well. 

When we show those around us that, we are hurting, but we are overcoming that pain or that nausea or whathaveyou, it shows that we are conquerors! It shows that we can't be knocked down and that we are fighters! Laughing through pain, smiling through the tears helps immensely! I know from personal experience. 

It has been documented in the NY Times ( that laughter increases endorphins which helps a person's overall well-being. Wouldn't you
want to improve your health simply by laughing?! Let's all take a pause in our life right now and laugh. READY...AND...LAUGH!!!!!! Don't you feel better already?!

So, despite your circumstances, let out a little chuckle every now and again to help your general health! Smile! And spread some sunshine! Show someone you care, despite your own pain, and give a hug!

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