Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Turned Down For What?! It's Shocking

Today was the "big" appointment with my surgeon, Dr. Marujjo, and the representative from Enterra, the company that makes Alfred, my Gastric Neurostimulator. Going into an appointment like that is like going into the original appointment, you just don't know what to expect, so you try to go in with a blank mind--not hard to do, I'm blond--open mind! I meant, open mind!

First of all, I was COMPLETELY distracted by the fact that the Enterra rep looked uncannily like John Legend, but that is really NOT pertinent to the story, I just had to share that little tidbit. He was very friendly and nice! 

On to the juicy stuff (that's not that juicy)...

Dr. Marujjo and Mr. Enterra (I can't remember his name) asked me where I've been experiencing the shocking at, so, as per usual when in that office, I lifted up my shirt. I explained to them that, like today, I experience shocks where my stomach (the organ) is, but I also experience shocks below my ribs right above where Alfred is. It doesn't HURT, it is just incredibly disruptive. 

I was then asked if there is a specific activity that causes the shocking to occur? I explained that I can be sitting, standing, or sleeping and it will start up. My stomach is nondiscriminatory about everything! 

Together, Dr. Marujjo and Mr. Enterra used the whizbang machine that's used every time I go in to check the settings and determined that it was best to lower the gigahertz, zapahertz, wowitreallyhertz...all the numbers that are discussed is Greek to me, so I just nod and smile and wait for it to be over. I know that Alfred was turned down. 

I worry about the shocking stopping. I worry about the nausea getting even worse than it already is now that Alfred has been turned down. It didn't dawn on me to ask whether or not Alfred might be defective, but I go in again in two weeks, so we shall see how things are going during that time. 

So, I guess time will only tell...

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