Thursday, November 6, 2014

Gastroparesis And Maintaining Your Identity

When you've been diagnosed with an illness like Gastroparesis that alters your life so drastically and that you know will never go away, it's hard for it to not become all-consuming. It's hard for it to not become your whole identity and invade every part of your life. But, you know what? My name is not Gastroparesis Christine. That is not the name on my birth certificate. That is not my identity...completely. 

My name is Christine and I am a Christian, therefore my identity is in Christ. I am a daughter of the One true King. I am Christine, daughter of Terry and Mary. I am Christine, sister of Dustin. I am Christine, a friend to many (I hope!). I am Christine, a volunteer, an interpreter, an organizer, timekeeper, and aid. But I am also Christine who has Gastroparesis, chronic migraines, IBS, neuropathy, and vertigo. Because they effect me so much, they do play a large part in who I am. I advocate for my disease because there is so little known about it. But my name is still not Gastroparesis Christine. 

There are so many things that define me as a person with a chronic illness. It, admittedly, is hard to separate myself from that illness, but it takes a conscious effort on my part to remind myself of all the other facets of who I am as a person. Yes, I have lost the ability to do many things due to illness, but there are parts of me that is hasn't taken away and I will NOT let it take away! My humor will always be mine. My joy and love for helping others. My love for listening and wanting to help solve problems, that will never change. 

While I will probably be That Girl That Doesn't Eat Very Much or That Girl That Spontaneously Barfs or That Girl With the Metal Thing In Her Gut until the day that I die, I hope that I'm remembered more for my loving and caring nature. My spunk and sarcasm. My winning taste in fashion (that was sarcasm). But, mostly, for being a good Christian witness during a difficult time. 

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