Because, you know, their "uncle's best friend's cousin's neighbor has something VERY similar to what you have [enter product name here] cured them of it right away!"
Since I've gotten sick I have been schlept every product known to man. Essential oils of ALL kinds, creams, powders, magic pink drinks, voodoo doctors, juicers, grinders, gluten free diets, diabetic diets, Gastroparesis diets and I am telling you NONE OF THEM HAS MADE A DIFFERENCE!
I'm not being cynical. I'm not being ungrateful, I'm not being a Debbie Downer. I'm not being untrusting of God, I trust Him COMPLETELY!
But what I AM saying is this...
People with chronic illnesses often do not feel HEARD. When we post about our illness(es), we aren't asking for attention, we are (most of the time) explaining what it's like to be us. If we say that we're having another stint in the hospital or having another round of testing, we don't want your pity, we want your understanding When we post about Awareness Days, we are asking for you to stand behind us and for your support.
If this post hits home for you AS THE PERSON SCHLEPING ONE OF THE PRODUCTS, please don't be offended. I'm not pointing fingers at any one person. I'm not angry that people do this, I'm just frustrated. Upset that "no thanks" cannot mean "no thanks". If the fact that I decline your product offends you and my "sick person posts" annoy you, then Unfriend me. It's simple. My choices as a chronically ill person do not directly effect you. It's that simple. I cannot spend energy worrying about offending people over my choices.